Our Commitment to Child Safety

We have zero tolerance for child abuse.
We are committed to keeping children safe at all times.
We understand child safety is a shared responsibility and an action.

We show our commitment to Child Safe Standards by:

Promoting inclusion and diversity
  • We are committed to providing a child safe environment where children are safe and feel safe at all times, with a particular focus on the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, children with a disability and trans and gender diverse children and their families.
Empowering children
  • Involving children in decision-making and encouraging and supporting children to share their views.
  • Recognising relationships are essential to children feeling safe at kinder.
  • Facilitating discussions with the children on the United Nations Rights of the Child, empowering them to understand that their voice is important and will shape kinder decisions.
  • Listening to children and taking all concerns, allegations and indications seriously by responding confidently and consistently, while following the kindergarten’s policies and processes.
Respecting and listening to families
  • Providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.
  • Working collaboratively with families regarding their child’s development, needs and education. We view families as children’s first and foremost teacher.
  • We regularly ask families for feedback on our service, policies and procedures.
  • We respect diversity of cultures and parenting practices while promoting child safety as paramount.
Meeting our responsibility to keep children safe
  • Never sharing photographs of children’s faces online.
  • Providing an environment for all children where their safety, health and wellbeing is promoted along with their learning and development. 
  • Fostering a culture of openness that supports all staff and those working in partnership with us to safely and confidently disclose any risk of harm to children.
  • All staff understand and comply with the kindergarten’s Code of Conduct which provides guidance on appropriate conduct towards children.
  • All staff understand their obligation to respond to and report child abuse to the appropriate authorities. Staff are aware of signs of harm and are confident in facilitating conversations where children can safely voice their concerns. We have processes in place to report suspicions of child abuse and staff know how to access and follow these processes.
  • Children are involved in child safety. Educators listen and incorporate children’s views about ensuring the kinder is a safe environment. This includes writing a Class Charter.
  • Actively managing the risks of abuse or harm to children, including fulfilling our duty of care and legal obligations to protect children and prevent any reasonable, foreseeable risk of injury or harm.
  • Having effective recruitment processes ensure we engage the most suitable people to work with the children. We ensure high-quality supervision at all times.
  • Continuously reviewing and reflecting on the way we identify risks and respond to child abuse, and encourage reporting of allegations of abuse.