Children respond differently to starting kindergarten. Some settle quickly, while others take a little longer. Reasons for this may include personality and temperament, past experiences attending other services, and time spent away from family and home.
We take the following steps to support your child through the settling process:
Family-Teacher Meeting: Week commencing Monday, 5 February
Meet your child’s educators, see the classroom, and share important information about your child, such as their personality and interests, how you feel they might settle into the program, medical and developmental information, and other helpful information. Your child should attend this meeting.
PLEASE NOTE: Unless previously provided, Medical Action Plans for asthma, anaphylaxis, and allergy must be brought to the Family-Teacher Meeting. You can read more about medical conditions and action plans by clicking here.
Orientation Session: Week commencing Monday, 12 February
The first session your child attends will be with half the class for a shorter period. This provides the educators time and space to get to know the children. The shorter session also provides a gentle transition to full-time hours for the children.
Smaller groups
Due to the age of the children, our 3-year-old groups have a maximum of 18 children. Our 4-year-old groups have a maximum of 22 children.
All groups are led by an early childhood teacher and educator (teacher assistant).
By introducing routine, encouraging exploration, and establishing connections
During the first weeks, we focus on introducing the children to kinder routines, encouraging them to explore and build confidence in the kinder spaces, and supporting them to establish connections with their educators and peers.
We prepare the children for transition and change with songs, visual cues, and routine charts. Children love routine and predictability. Knowing ‘what will come next’ helps them to feel safe at kinder.
With flexibility
We recognise that initially, the longer sessions may be challenging for some children. We will offer flexibility as needed, including early pick-up.
The days are structured in a way that allows for learning, inquiry, and uninterrupted play in the morning when the children are ‘fresh’ and most engaged. For term 1 (and into term two if needed), we offer time in the afternoon for rest, relaxation, and quiet play. Once the children have settled into their sessions, afternoons are spent outdoors. The teaching teams will continually observe and reflect on the children’s needs and adjust the program as required.
With kindness, compassion, and open communication
We understand starting kindergarten can be difficult for some children and families. We will support you and your child through the process with open communication, empathy, and kindness. Always feel free to discuss the separation process with us. Your child’s teacher will be able to suggest strategies specific to the needs of your child. Saying goodbye can be challenging, but in our experience, most children settle quickly with comfort and distraction.