Family Portal

Links to helpful forms

Nominee Form: complete this form to add a nominee to your child’s enrolment records.

Casual After Kinder Care Form: complete this form to register your child for casual AKC. Once registered, your child is registered for the year. This form is for casual (ad hoc) attendance only. Permanent Booking Forms will be emailed to families separately.

Merchandise Order Form: we sell hats, polos and hoodies! Orders placed will be available for collection from the office, or your child’s teaching team.


Helpful pages on the kinder website

For important dates including term dates, PD closure dates and more, visit:

For further information about After Kinder Care (AKC), visit: 

To view our policies, visit

How to:

Report that your child will be absent from kinder: please complete the Reporting Absences form by clicking here OR email Natalie OR call the centre on 9380 8420. Digital communication is preferred in the mornings as the educators are busy with set-up before session start.

Late Collection Policy:

Children must be collected from their session on time, however, we do understand things happen from time to time. All late collections will be signed in to After Kinder Care (AKC). This is because, once session is complete, session educators are in planning time and cannot supervise children. You will be invoiced for your child’s attendance at AKC at the casual AKC Fee rate (a minimum of one hour – $26). Please refer to our Fees Policy for further information on the Late Collection Policy: visit Policies